Using the classicthesis package with XeLaTeX

Compiling an article or anything else with classicthesis package will return errors. Indeed, something written and compiled with the classicthesis package loaded must be compiled with pdflatex (and maybe also latex, I don’t know).

Anyway, here is a little trick to compile your documents with XeLaTeX using your prefered template. First of all, we have to make a backup of our file classicthesis.sty. If you use Ubuntu and have installed TeXlive with your package manager, do as follows either with a terminal or your file manager with root privileges (for this, type Alt+F2 and enter gksu nautilus in the prompt) :

sudo cp /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg.sty /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg_backup.sty

If you have installed TeXlive with the installation script install-tl, then do as follows :

sudo cp /usr/local/texlive/2010/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg.sty /usr/local/texlive/2010/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg_backup.sty

Then, open classicthesis-ldpkg.sty in a text editor, let say gedit. If you have installed TeXlive with your package manager :

gksu gedit /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg.sty

And if not :

gksu gedit /usr/local/texlive/2010/tex/latex/classicthesis/classicthesis-ldpkg.sty

In this file, you will have to comment the following lines :

% ********************************************************************
% Using PDFLaTeX:
% ********************************************************************
\RequirePackage[pdftex,hyperfootnotes=false,pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} % backref linktocpage pagebackref
\RequirePackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % PDFTeX driver for graphicx
%\DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{} % enables use of MetaPost graphics with pdflatex

% for German texts to get \autoref macros right

Then, save your file. Here is a screenshot of what I get after commenting on the left side, and before on the right side :

That’s all, folks ! Now if you compile a file with XeLaTeX using the classicthesis package, it will work. I will write soon a post about it, and will show you a sample of file I have successfully compiled.

EDIT : There is no need to comment the lines :


But in order to get mathematical symbols working with the specific setup of XeLaTeX, we have to comment the following lines :

% default: Palatino
\RequirePackage[osf,sc]{mathpazo} % Palatino with real small caps and old style figures
\linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino

Which are in the file classicthesis.sty, lines 183-187 (don’t forget to comment the “{” l. 183). With that, everything will work fine with math font setup and unicode-math with XeLaTeX.

    • LamSon
    • December 13th, 2010

    Hi and thanks for all the posts about XeTeX, classicthesis and japanese writing.

    I found another hack of classicthesis-ldpkg.sty that allows the use of the xecjk package and therefore the correct line breaking of Japanese sentences, titles, etc.

    You have to comment the line 46 of classicthesis-ldpkg.sty

    And then you can add the following lines in your document header
    % Rules for Japanese formatting
    \setCJKmainfont{Sazanami Mincho}
    \setCJKmonofont{Sazanami Mincho}

    The two last lines are not necessary but remove warning if you use japanese in your document title (customize with your prefered japanese fonts and options).

    Then, the lines
    %For japanese input :
    \newfontfamily\ja[Scale=0.8]{Sazanami Mincho}

    Are not needed anymore.

  1. Thank you for your comment !

  1. September 26th, 2010

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