Writing math with XeLaTeX

The following is a short explanation for those who wish to get the basics to write math with XeLaTeX :

  • First, you will notice, if you look at the xelatex directory, that there is a mathspec folder. If you don’t know where is your xelatex folder, then look here if you have installed TeXlive with the installation script :


    Or look here if you have installed TeXlive with your package manager :


  • But a better choice might be to use unicode-math, though it is still in its beta stage. Documentation about this package is located in the following directory in case you have installed TeXlive with the installation script install-tl :


    Or here if you have installed TeXlive with your package manager :


  • Let us assume you wish to use the unicode-math package. Then, you will have to load it :


    And to define the font for math :

    \setmathfont{Asana Math}

    Consequently, here is an example of minimal preamble to write math and compile with XeLaTeX :

    \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
    \setmathfont{Asana Math}

    Where article is a class to make a test, unicode-math the package to input math with XeLaTeX, amsmath the usual package for math and xltxtra the usual package for XeLaTeX which load some useful modules (see the xltxtra for a list of these modules).
    Also, \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella} is the definition of the font for your text, and \setmathfont{Asana Math} the definition of the fonts for math as I said previously.

Here is a screenshot of an example of output (a pdf file) we can get with XeLaTeX :

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